Founder's Message

We align our efforts to provide what is positive and constructive

Over the past few years GCC countries have witnessed a dramatic growth in the field of training and business development, as well as the real estate sectors. With an opening of thousands of new companies, the demand of skilled workers is getting greater.  

Despite this, there is a severe lack in the availability of reliable, professional and unique training institutes that have the skill and knowledge to fill these important gaps and to deliver the appropriate tools in order to help the trainees increase their knowledge and capabilities in performing their duties much better than the traditional way that has been adapted earlier.  

The Canadian Academy of Management and Technology is committed with its hard working strategy to help shape up the training and business development market in an academic way that will attract individuals, business owners, executive directors, managers, as well as those interested in this field to fully benefit from these courses after graduation.

The quality of the  Canadian Academy of Management and Technology is not just measured by the strategy it has, but is also measured by solid professional experience personnel that understand the training needs and pay attention to details.

The urban development that goes on in the Gulf region, including the United Arab Emirates and particularly the Emirate of Dubai, makes me more optimistic and determined to follow the journey of instructing the true principles of business and human development with confidence.

We will exert our utmost efforts at the two branches of the Canadian Academy of Management and Technology to execute all our programs with high performance using our scientific and practical experience, as well as, qualified trainers to deliver training excellence.

Monzer Hamwi

Founder / President